Selasa, 01 November 2016

Harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Terbaru 2016 dan Spesifikasi Lengkapnya

Harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge - Penerus Hp smartphone samsung galaxy S6 Edge telah resmi di perkenalkan pada event MWC 2016 yang berlangsung di Barcelona tanggal 21 Februari 2016. Pada acara tersebut, Vendor samsung memperlihatkan berbagai inovasi terbaru yang dibawa smartphone flagship bernama “SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 EDGE“. Smartphone ini hadir dengan segudang canggih yang membuatnya menjadi salah satu smartphone terbaik ditahun ini fitur, dan yang paling mencolok adalah kemunculan layar melengkung berteknologi Curved edge screen yang menghiasi sisi kanan dan kiri Galaxy S7 Edge.

Selain daripada teknologi layar lengkung, Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy S7 Edge juga dilengkapi sertifikasi IP68 yang membutnya memiliki performa terhadap air dan debu. Sayangnya hp smartphone ini urung membawa fitur 3D Touch yang sebelumnya dirumorkan berencana menjadi sektor dari kehebatan Galaxy S7 Edge untuk dapat bersaing melawan iPhone 6s yang mempunyai fitur serupa. Sepertinya Bagi samsung lebih memilih kemampuan tahan terhadap air dan debu sebagai salah satu keunggulan Galaxy S7 Edge untuk bisa bersaing melawan smartphone flagship sekelasnya, semisal LG G5, HTC One M10, Xiaomi Mi5, atau Sony Xperia Z6.

Hp smartphone ini dapat diibaratkan sebagai penggabungan antara Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ dan Galaxy Note 5. Pasalnya Samsung mendesainnya besar dengan ukuran layar lebih, dan mempunyai casing bagian belakang dengan sektor melengkung layaknya Note 5. Namun untuk dapat performanya tentu jauh lebih cepat, pasalnya sudah ada chipset Exynos dan Snapdragon generasi terbaru yang siap menghadirkan kemampuan powerfull saat Galaxy S7 Edge menjalankan aplikasi atau game yang sobat instal kedalamnya.

Jangan heran bila harga Hp smartphone samsung galaxy S7 Edge dibanderol sangatlah mahal. Karena smartphone itu membawa berbagai fitur canggih yang jarang dimiliki hp smartphone android di kalangan premium. Faktor lainnya ialah hadirnya performanya kamera lebih canggih dan didukung performanya hardware powerfull, sehingga wajar apabila harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge sangatlah mahal. Nah untuk mengetahui berapa sebenarnya harga hp android ini, mari kita ulasan hariangadget simak. com berikut ini.
Spesifikasi termasuk dan Harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

Model Premium Anti terhadap Air

Layanya smartphone premium buatan Sony, kali ini Pihak samsung membekali hp smartphone terbarunya dengan sertifikat IP68 yang telah membuat Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge mampu direndam didalam air selama 30 menit pada kedalam maksimum 1. 5 meter. Berbekal fitur inilah Samsung galaxy S7 Edge menjadi perangkat sempurna yang bisa anda hariangadget andalkan untuk beraktivitas di luar ruangna, pasalnya tak hanya tahan air namun pula tahan terhadap debu. Sementara untuk bisa desainnya sendiri tidak berbeda jauh dibandingkan desain Hp samsung galaxy S6 Edge.

Perubahan model Galaxy S7 Edge yang paling menonjol adalah mempunyai layar berkapasitas lebih besar, dimana ukuran sebesar layarnya mencapai 5. 5 inci. Tapi smartphone tersebut memiliki bodi lebih tebal, dimana untuk dapat dimensi total dari bodi metal Hp smartphone samsung galaxy S7 Edge memiliki ukuran sebesar panjang 150. 9 mm, lebar 72. 6 mm, dan ketebalan 7. 7 mm. Hal yang menarik, bagian depan dan belakang Hp smartphone android ini sudah dilapisi kaca antigores bertipe Corning Gorilla Glass 5, dan pada sisi depan sudah tersedia tombol home yang terintegrasi dalam fingerprint sensor.

Layar Lengkung Lebih Besar

Harga Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy S7 Edge yang dibanderol melebihi 10 Juta Rupiah, mewajibkan hp smartphone android ini mempunyai layar beresolusi sebesar tinggi berkualitas gambar yang jernih dan tajam. Oleh adanya karena itulah Samsung mempercayakan teknologi Super Amoled Display dengan resolusi 1440 x 2560 pixels supaya menghasilkan kepadatan sebesar layar mencapai 534 ppi, sehingga menghasilkan gambar lebih detail dan memiliki warna lebih alami. Lebih hal yang menarik lagi, layar Galaxy S7 Edge mengadopsi teknologi Curved edge screen.

Sama semisal pendahulunya, Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy S7 Edge menawarkan layar melengkung yang terlihat memukau dan terkesan lebih premium dibandingkan hp android sekelasnya. Layar lengkung dau sisi ini memiliki rasio mencapai 76. 1% ketimbang layar ke bodi, alhasil memberikan tampilan lebih luas ketika kita menikmati konten multimedia. Kamu tak butuh khawatir mengenai ketahanan layar lengkung Samsung galaxy S7 Edge, karena telah dilindugi lapisan kaca antigores Corning Gorilla Glass 5 yang menjaganya dari goresan benda tajam.

Setiap wilayah Galaxy S7 Edge dibuat sempurna untuk bisa menghasilkan model premium yang tetap nyaman saat dioperasikan. Dibalik keindahan desain itu, rupanya tersimpan dapur pacu hardware tercepat saat ini, pasalnya didalamnya sudah tertanam memori Ram LDDR4 berkapasitas 4GB dan dilengkapi memori internal berukuran 32GB atau 64GB yang nantinya akan berpengaruh terhadap harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Menariknya disini lagi, Produsen samsung memberikan slot microSD dengan daya tampung 200GB yang sebelumnya sempat absen di Galaxy S6 Edge.

Sekalipun harga Galaxy S7 Edge 64GB akan dapat dibanderol lebih mahal dibandingkan S7 Edge 32GB, sayangnya kedua varian tersebut masing-masing berjalan dalam sistem operasi Android Marshmallow 6. 0 yang dipercantik dengan tampilan user interface TouchWiz UI dan mempunyai fitur “Edge Screen” terbaru yang lebih inovatif dan memiliki fungsionalitas lebih baik dibandingkan milik Galaxy S6 Edge. Owh yah, Vendor samsung juga memasang fitur Always-on display untuk dapat menampilkan beragam informasi ketika kondisi layar standby.

Untuk dapat dapur pacunya sendiri, Samsung menyediakan dua varian Galaxy S7 Edge yang masing-masingnya ditenagai Chipset Qualcomm MSM8996 Snapdragon 820 oleh, dan chipset Exynos 8890 Octa. Kalau sobat beruntung mendapatkan varian Snapdragon, maka sobat bisa merasakan kinerja grafis tiga dimensi yang digawangi GPU Adreno 530 oleh, serta kemampuannya super cepat yang berasal dari processor Octa Core berkecepatan 64-Bit dengan konfigurasi 2 inti processor Kryo (Dual-core 2. 15 GHz & dual-core 1. 6 GHz).

Harga Hp samsung galaxy S7 Edge versi Snapdragon dibanderol mirip persis dengan versi Exynos. Nah bagi sobat yang membeli Hp samsung galaxy S7 Edge Exynos ingin mendapatkan GPU Mali-T880 MP12 sebagai pengolahan grafis sedang smartphone itu menjalankan game-game HD dan memutar video beresolusi 4K. Sedangkan untuk bisa processornya, mempunyai 8 inti processor yang dibagi menjadi dua wilayah agar lebih irit daya baterai, dimana untuk acap intinya mempunyai clock speed (Quad-core 2. 3 GHz + quad-core 1. 6 GHz).

Skor Benchmark Fantastis

Pengujian antutu benchmark yang dilakukan gsmarena. com untuk dapat Galaxy S7 Edge varian Exynos berhasil meraih skor mencapai 114. 250 point, dan mengantarkannya menjadi salah satu dari smratphone tercepat saat ini. Skor benchmark berbeda mungkin mau didapatkan untuk bisa varian Snapdragon 820, sayangnya yang pasti untuk varian Exynos berhasil mengalahkan Huawei Mate 8 yang disajikan chipset Kirin 950, dan Huawei Nexus 6P yang mengusung Snapdragon 810. Menariknya bahwa, seperti yang sobat lihat diatas, Hp smartphone samsung galaxy S7 Edge berhasil mempercundangi pendahulunya, termasuk Galaxy S6 Edge+.

Usung Kamera Kurang cahaya Terbaik

Sesuai dengan harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Bagi samsung meningkatkan kemampuannya kamera hp smartphone ini, dengan memberikan aperture f/1. 7 dan sensor berukuran 1. 4 micronpixel yang membuatnya mampu mengabadikan foto dikondisi low light dengan kualita gambar lebih detail, dan pastinya tetap nampak tajam. Hal yang menarik, kamera utama Galaxy S7 Edge mengusung lensa 12 Megapixel dengan teknologi Dual Pixel yang membuatnya mempunyai tingkat akurasi autofocus lebih baik, dan lebih cepat ketika membidik sebuah objek foto.

Fitur phase detection dengan dual pixel juga tergolong melengkapi kehebatan kamera utama smartphone tersebut. Lalu ada pula teknologi Smart OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) yang mampu mengupgrade kestabilan rekaman video dengan resolusi yang UltraHD 4K agar menunjukkan lebih stabil. Tidak ketinggalan LED Flash dan beragam fitur pendukung seperti, motion panorama, motion photo, HDR, dan berbagai fitur tambahan lainnya berencana memanjakan kamu hariangadget pada mengambil foto diberbagai dalam keadaan pencahayaan, baik itu siang hari maupun dimalam hari.

Beralih ke kamera depan, sudah ada kamera dengan resolusi 5 Megapixel yang dilengkapi aperture f/1. 7 supaya bisa tetap optimal ketika berfoto selfie dalam kondisi kurang cahaya. Menariknya, Samsung menyediakan fitur selfie flash yang akan memacarkan cahaya layar Super Amoled Display sebagai pengganti LED Flash dari. Lalu terpasang pula fitur Wide Selfie dengan performa untuk mengadikan foto sampai sudut tembak 120 derajat, jadi anda bisa berfoto selfie bersama lebih banyak orang didalamnya. Tak ketinggalan, fitur Dual Video Call, dan Auto HDR pula tergolong menghiasi depan ponsel itu.

Baterai Lebih Besar

Salah satu dari penyebab mengapa desain Hp smartphone samsung galaxy S7 Edge lebih tebal dibandingkan Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy S6 Edge adalah adanya baterai berukuran sekitar 3. 600 mah yang berada dibalik casing sisi belakang berlapis kaca Corning Gorilla Glass. Jika kita adu dengan baterai 2. 600 mah milik Galaxy S6 Edge tentunya smartphone akan jauh lebih irit ini, namun tapi keduanya masing-masing mengadopsi baterai Non-removable Li-Ion sehingga baterainya tidak bisa kita cabut.

Konektivitas dan Sensor Lengkap

Salah satu fitur andalan hp smartphone android flagship Pihak samsung adalah fitur S-Heath yang akan memanfaatkan sensor pemindai detang jantung (heart rate), dan sensor SpO2. Selain daripada itu, tersematkan pula berbagai sensor pendukung untuk mengupgrade kinerja Samsung galaxy S7 Edge, seperti sensor Fingerprint, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, dan barometer. Yah sensor yang dibawanya memang cukup lengkap, dan nantinya bisa kita manfaatkan sedang memakai Produsen samsung Gear VR yang kira-kira akan dijual bersamaan dengan Galaxy S7 Edge.
Baca selengkapnya disini

Dibalik mahalnya harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, kamu akan mendapatkan dukungan teknologi konektivitas sangat lengkap. Mulai melalui konektivitas 4G LTE mempunyai kecepatan 450 mbps, sampai dengan fitur NFC yang nantinya dipakai sebagai media pembayaran Samsung Pay. Selain ini, tersedia pula tergolong konektivitas Wi-Fi berteknologi Dual Band, Infrared, Bluetooth versi 4. 2, dan port microUSB 2. 0. Sangatlah disayangkan hp android ini belum mampu memakai USB Type-C padahal harga Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy S7 Edge dibanderol sangatlah mahal.

Pada Eropa, harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge 32GB yang kami lansir lewat website resmi Samsung ialah mencapai 639 Euro ataupun apabila sobat rupiahkan sekitar Rp. 12. 3 Jutaan. Harga disetiap negara mungkin akan berbeda-beda, termasuk harga hp Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge pada Indonesia, karena Samsung akan dapat memasarkan hp smartphone ini di varian memori internal 32GB dan 64G, serta membawa 2 jenus chipset berbeda. Apabila sobat berkaca dibandingkan harga perdana Galaxy S6 Edge yang mencapai 12. 5 Juta Rupiah ketika pertama kali dipasarkan dalam Indonesia, kira-kira harga Galaxy S7 Edge tidak ingin jauh berbeda. Bagaimana tertarik membelinya?

Harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge yang dibanderol mencapai 12 Jutaan membuat hp smartphone android ini menjadi salah satu hp android Android termahal di tahun 2016. Sayangnya dibalik harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge ini, sobat hargahpsmart akan mendapatkan sebuah hp smartphone dengan performanya tahan air dan mempunyai layar melengkung dikedua sisinya. Selain tersebut, performa aspek dapur pacunya juga terbilang sangat cepat, dan diimbangi dengan kemampuannya fotografi paling terbaik yang dapat kita mengabadikan kerap momen pada kondisi kurang cahaya dengan hasil gambar sempurna. Sayangnya hp smartphone android ini mempunyai satu kelemahan, yakni tidak dibekali USB Type-C dan baterainya tidak bisa sobat lepas.

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016

Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max Terbaru di Indonesia dan Spesifikasinya

Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max - Persaingan hp smartphone dikelas menengah kebawah semakin begitu sengit, sesudah Samsung memberikan bocoran hp smartphone android terbarunya adalah Samsung Galaxy Grand Max. Ponsel ini siap menantang vendor lokal semisal Xiaomi, Lenovo, Meizu, dan Huawei yang berbondong-bondong telah membuat smartphone murah berteknologi canggih.

Spesifikasi yang dibawa Grand Max lebih canggih dibandingkan Grand Prime yang terlebih dahulu hadir di Indonesia. Dengan mengandalkan processor Quad Core beraristektur 64 Bit, dan layar IPS dengan resolusi yang HD, diharapkan ponsel tersebut akan dapat bersaing melawan dominasi ponsel lokal yang berjaya digolongan menengah kebawah.

Penjualan Pihak samsung memang tetap yang terbesar hingga maka sekarang ini, namun mengalami penurunan yang cukup drastis ditahun 2014 karena mereka kalah bersaing dengan vendor lokal, yang tak segan-segan membuat hp smartphone murah dengan spesifikai melebihi smartphone dibuat oleh pihak Samsung. Sebuah saja Xiaomi yang telah berhasil mengalahkan penjualan Samsung di daratan China.

Pasti Samsung tidak ingin kembali kalah dalam tahun 2015, sehingga mereka perlu kehadiran gebrakan hp smartphone android murah dengan spesifikasi tinggi. Samsung Galaxy Grand Max dinilai sudah cukup pas untuk bisa mewakili Samsung, lalu bagaimana dengan spesifikasi dan Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max itu apakah dapat bersaing?

Model yang dimiliki Grand Max tidak berbeda jauh ketimbang ponsel Samsung yang lain, Samsung tetap mempertahankan bodi plastik di ponsel murahnya namun saat ini mereka menggunakan layar bertipe IPS Display dengan resolusi Hd 720 x 1280 pixels dengan kerapatan sebesar -282 ppi. Layar yang digunakannya berkapasitas sebesar 5. 2 inch alhasil cukup lega dan dapat menampilkan gambar yang jernih dan tajam.

Sudut pandang yang luas dimiliki layar bertipe IPS tersebut, tapi sepertinya belum bisa dilindungi lapisan Gorilla Glass. Body ponsel ini juga terbilang lumayan tipis dengan ketebalan 7. 9 mm dan dimensi panjang lebar tinggi berukuran 146 x 75 x 7. 9 mm. Bobot Grand Max pasti akan sangat ringan pasalnya bentuknya yang tipis, dan akan mudah digunakan pasalnya terasa pas ditangan dan tidak licin dengan back cover bertexture.

Sistem operasi yang digunakan termasuk Android Kitkat 4. 4. 4 dan akan dipermanis dengan antarmuka TouchWiz yang dikembangkan Samsung untuk ponsel-ponselnya. Ada wacana bahwa Samsung akan menyediakan pilihan thema pada TouchWiz, agar bisa bersaing dengan Miui miliki Xiaomi dan Vibe UI milik Lenovo yang terbukti meningkatkan daya jual ponsel-ponselnya.

Tidak mau kalah dari Xiaomi Redmi 2S yang dirumorkan menggunakan Chipset Qualcomm MSM8916 Snapdragon 410, ponsel tersebut nantinya pula terbilang menggunakan Chipset tersebut dan akan berpacu pada Clock Speed Quad Core 1. 2 Ghz dengan aristketur processor 64 Bit. Untuk bisa menambahkan performanya Grand Max, ponsel tersebut juga dilengkapi Ram berkapasitas sekitar 1. 5 Ghz dan GPU Adreno 306.

Ram yang diberikan Samsung memang tanggung, kenapa tidak langsung diberikan Ram berukuran 2 GB semisal ponsel kebanyakan?. Mungkin Samsung sudah melakukan riset terlebih dahulu dan Ram 1. 5 Gigabyte dirasa paling pas untuk bisa mendukung peforma multitasking Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy Grand Max, sedangkan untuk bisa masalah grafis tergolong sangat baik pasalnya menggunakan GPU Adreno 306.

Samsung juga tergolong memberikan memory internal berukuran sekitar besar di ponselnya, termasuk memory internal berkapasitas 16GB dan masih bisa diperluas lewat slot MicroSD. Kita bisa memasukan microSD dengan kapasitas maksimum 64GB, sayangnya tentu saja memory microSD tersebut berencana dijual terpisah dan kira-kira bawaannya hanya berukuran 8GB atau maksimal sebesar 16GB.

Chipet yang digunakan Hp android samsung galaxy Grand Max sudah mendukung teknologi LTE, dan kira-kira ponsel tersebut juga diluncurkan dalam versi Dual Sim sama semisal Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. Samsung juga menghadirkan Bluetooth V4. 0, Wifi, dan Micro USB di ponselnya, hanya saja sayangnya tidak akan dalam jumpai NFC pada ponsel ini.

Performanya GPS Grand Max telah cukup canggih, dan terpasang teknologi A-GPS dan GLONASS yang mempercepat dan meningkatkan akurasi GPS. Sedangkan fitur-fitur yang digunakannya tidak berbeda jauh daripada ponsel Samsung yang lain seperti S-Voice, Wifi Hostspot, dan Wifi Direct untuk bisa mengirim file.

Harga Hp samsung galaxy Grand Max yang dibanderol cukup murah membuatnya tidak dilengkapi fitur andalan Samsung seperti Air Gestre, S-Health, ataupun Finger Print Scanner. Namun ponsel ini telah dilengkapi kamera berkualitas dengan lensa berkapasitas besar untuk bisa menunjang keperluan fotografi pemakainya.

Tersedia lensa berkekuatan 13 Megapixel di bagian belakang Hp smartphone samsung galaxy Grand Max. Kamera itu sudah didukung fitur cukup lengkap semisal Autofocus, LED Flash, Face Deteciton, Touch Focus, dan mode pemotretan HDR dan panorama. Kamera bagian depannya juga tidak kalah gahar dengan menggunakan lensa berkekuatan 5 Megapixel yang dapat kita merekam video Full HD SEBESAR 1080p.

Ponsel ini memang cocok dikenakan sebagai sarana berfoto selfie, selain tersebut kedua kameranya juga dapat merekam video Full HD SEBESAR 1080p alhasil cocok bagi anda yang gemar mengabadikan momen berharga dalam bentuk video. Untuk bisa memenuhi keperluan anda sedang befoto selfie dan melakukan perekaman video, telah tersedia baterai Li-Ion berkapasitas sebesar 2500 mAh yang cukup untuk bertahan selama 10 Jam.

Spek hardware dan software yang dibawa Grand Max memang cukup tinggi dan dapat bersaing dengan smartphone dikelasnya. Ponsel tersebut juga akan dapat dipasarkan di 2 pilihan warna yakni Hitam dan Putih, lantas berapa kira-kira dari segi Harga Hp smartphone android samsung galaxy Grand Max tersebut?

Ponsel ini mau segera dipasarkan pada Quartal pertama tahun 2015, dan kemungkinan di akhir bulan Januari 2015. Harga Hp android samsung galaxy Grand Max tersebut dianggap tidak berencana berbeda jauh dari Hp samsung galaxy Grand Prime yang dibanderol kurang lewat 2. 5 Juta Rupiah.
Ponsel tersebut siap bersaing dengan hp smartphone murah lainnya seperti Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 atau Meizu M1 Note yang diprediksikan akan dapat sukses besar ditahun 2015. Walaupun spek yang dibawa Grand Max masih kalah, namun Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max yang murah kiranya mampu menarik minat masyarakat yang mempercayai kualitas Samsung.
4. Kesimpulan

Ram yang diberikan Samsung pada ponselnya memang cukup tanggung diantaranya 1. 5 Ghz, dan kadang kali menimbulkan kekecewaan pada sejumlah orang pasalnya masih kalah dari ponsel lokal yang rata-rata mempunyai Ram 2 GB untuk bisa rentang harga 2 Juta Rupiah. Ponsel ini pula tergolong tidak dilengkapi NFC mungkin karena Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max tidak memungkinan pemakain NFC di ponsel tersebut
informasi selengkapnya bisa anda lihat disini

Bagaimanapun juga terbilang Samsung Galaxy Grand Max yaitu wakil pertama Samsung digolongan menengah kebawah untuk tahun 2015. Harapan kami Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max nantinya bisa dibanderol lebih murah agar bisa bersaing dengan vendor lokal yang tak segan-segan memasrkan produknya dengan harga sangat murah, kita tunggu saja hingga ponsel tersebut rilis dipasaran untuk membuktikan spesifikasi dan harganya

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Samsung Galaxy Mobiles- Great Mobile Experience

The smartphone is very handy and weighs only 97.5 gms. It is designed to explore the development of mobile and Smartphone is the next generation. The Hyundai Eon auction is based on the limited bid. It runs with Android Gingerbread operating system.

Samsung is known for its powerful smartphones and tablets. However, this new device will definitely confuse you. This is the Galaxy Note. It sports a massive display that will make you wonder if the device is a tablet or a smartphone. Regardless of the confusion, you will almost instantaneously forget about the device's classification with the software and hardware it has to offer.

The size of modern mobile phones is on the increase thanks to manufacturers incorporating bigger display into their handsets. The Samsung Galaxy Note offers largest screen size to date but HTC have replied with a giant of their own in the Sensation XL. Here we take a look at the two phones to see which on is the true heavyweight of the mobile phone world.

The harga hp samsung II N7100 features the Exynos 1.6 GHz quad-core processor. With this processor, designed for LTE networks, we can see how great performance comes into play.

Looking at the size both these phones are large, the screen display is the most striking feature of these Smartphones. However, Mega 6.3 is larger and thinner as against its cousin. When it comes to the physical built these phones are surprisingly made out of plastic like build, it comes handy when you need to remove the cover for changing batteries.

Both the phones sport 8 MP rear end cameras that seem to be decent for capturing videos and pictures. Nothing more can be said about another camera or specifications related to camera app until the official launch.

Now capturing screenshot with the stylus is made easy. All you need to do is hold down the S pen button and keep the nib on the display screen. This will enable capturing the screenshot. Same way you can even take clippings. Hold down the S pen button and draw a shape around the image to save it. You can even share this picture by sending it to clipboard, MMS, e-mail it or save it in S Note app.

If you are a frequent traveler then you might be concerned about not losing your S pen. You can make appropriate adjustments to avoid losing it. You need to just enable the detachment indicator. This way you will receive an alert if you lose your S pen or when you are leaving it behind.

Software wise, the Note III will have Android 4.3 and Bluetooth 4.0 (the only combination currently compatible with the recently announced Galaxy Gear Smartwatch), Knox security software, and the ability to connect to LTE Category 4.

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However, according to the Cupertino firm's supply line, the design is more symmetrical. However, we'll say again that it is sure to sport enhanced features. It is very user friendly operating system and offers you several features.
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Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Full Specification of Samsung Galaxy J7 2016

Samsung J-Series follows the Galaxy S and A-series from a respectful distance - but in terms of improving the perfect lockstep. Although the prime partner and upper midrange A-series was conceived grabbed global headlines, the Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) was first announced for the Asian markets.

Able-owned J-series is betting big on India - in which the ringleader of a large screened has become a popular choice. However, we find the origin of the Samsung Galaxy A7 is quite capable of making a splash in Europe as well, and it did not disappoint.

Less than a year later, a new generation came out and looked perfectly happy with just putting a formula that is proven to work.

The Galaxy J7 (2016) got a new packaging of metal, a bigger battery and marshmallows over the more recent, and a little more capable chipset. All welcome upgrade to the most prominent of the J-series, but it was all Samsung is able to and stay on budget.

Just like the original, the model 2016 is offered in two different versions on the market: you can get or whether Snapdragon Exynos chipset. The difference is negligible though, considering both have eight Cortex-A53's.

Here goes another of the specification at hand.

Curiously, the first announcement of the 2016-edition of the Galaxy A7 1080p screen reveals bur we can now officially confirm that this version of the phone is only available in China.

The rest of the specifications are more or less the same between 2015 and 2016 editions Obviously, the quality selfies still an important selling point, so Galaxy J7 (2016) updated packages 5MP front facer with a fast f / 1.9 aperture and LED flash.

Overall, the Galaxy J7 (2016) seems like a small step forward for the J-series, but if Samsung find bits of the right to tweak, we can see an easy and affordable package just got better.

As usual, we will get the reviews done to the image of unboxing and hardware and hope to find out soon.

Samsung Galaxy J7 spin (2016) 360 degrees

One of our issues with the original J7 is that he used the old design language Samsung. Now a new aesthetic that was introduced by the prime application Galaxy S6 eventually be available for a lower rank, Galaxy J7 (2016) is narrower, shorter and only boys were thicker than ever at 151.7 x 76 x 7.8mm. And a larger battery also.

More interestingly, larger capacity does not come at the expense of weight, and because the ingredients are better and lighter components, the new J7 Galaxy grams lighter than the previous model.
hardware overview

Just like the Galaxy J5 (2016), which is greater J7 come up with a new design compared to the previous. Old plastic build makes its way to the new, more stylish metal frame. To be fair, there are still available but the plastic rear cover sports with interesting metal packaging refuse to do the work properly.

There is a subtle bump the camera, but it was not much of a problem. The ensemble includes LED flash and grills magnifying well designed.

Talking side, Samsung follows the traditional button layout. The Power / Lock is on the right, while the volume rocker on the left.

The Galaxy J7 (2016) screen bezel has a fair bit, but anything that gets in the way. Beneath the display, traditional home button Samsung surrounded by Task capacitive converter on the left and the Back button on the right.

On the top of the screen, no front-facing camera on the left with LED flash superbly placed across. In the middle, there is one near the earpiece and sensors. Unfortunately, as in the smaller Galaxy J5 (2016) in ambient light sensor that is missing here.

At the bottom, you'll find the microUSB port, (and only) major mic and 3.5mm headphone jack. There was nothing on the top notes.

Pull out the back cover reveals 3,300mAh battery as well as the microSIM and microSD card slot. Note the NFC chip on the rear panel, as well.

Handling Galaxy J5 (2016) is a pleasure. If the five and a half inch screen diagonal is not too much for you, and heavy solid metal frame made to taste quite good in the hand.


The Galaxy J7 (2016) is equipped with a "display 5.5 Super AMOLED same as before. As we said in the beginning, the international version has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels, which is not great, but still favored by manufacturers in the lower part of the price spectrum. Although the it is, quite at 267ppi pixel density.

Like most devices Super AMOLED, Samsung has incorporated several display modes. In basic mode, the colors are most appropriate, while the AMOLED cinema, they are mainly saturated. The middle way is AMOLED photo.

sunlight contrast ratio

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) battery

In the phone, there is a 3,300mAh Li-Ion battery, which the user can replace easily. The combination of a resolution of 720p and manufacturing process 14nm chipset promises a strong battery on paper, but we are not the ones who go by specsheet alone.

A few days later tests, we are not short of amazed by this J7 battery. He reaches over 18 hours in our video playback test. While browsing the web via Wi-Fi, the results are not quite as amazing, but still large at almost 12 and a half hours. In the smartphone 3G voice call is good for a full day and change.

All that adds up to 101 hours overall resistance ratings - brilliant decision. He is an increase of 10 hours in the previous generation affordable and some 30 hours over direct competitors like Xiaomi redmi Note 3 (72H) and Note Lenovo Vibe K4 (73H).


In the unpredictable nature Samsung, Galaxy J7 (2016) is in a single-SIM and dual-SIM variants, so you can get some flexibility in terms of flights and plans.

Sure, you'll get Wi-Fi, but it only operates at 2.4GHz track, so no need to say no ac Wi-Fi support. There is GPS with A-GPS, Bluetooth v.4.0, and an FM radio receiver. NFC is also on board with a dedicated menu option in Settings.

insert cable selection microUSB port and a 3.5mm jack. The microUSB port can be used to attach accessories exterior because it supports USB On-The-Go.

Android 6.0.1 marshmallows at your service

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) but with Android 6.0.1 with TouchWiz UI marshmallow on top. The latest available version for Android bundle cool features such as native support for the application manager, doze mode, and Google Now on Tap among other tweaks.

The main screen is exactly the same as the home TouchWiz from Samsung is another in the line.

Notification Area rather busy by default. It begins with fast switching scrollable line above, then the brightness slider, then S Finder and Quick connect button. You can hide them from the Edit option, which also allows you to reset the switch quickly.

Do not like the default view TouchWiz? No problem, as the Galaxy J7 (2016) user interface is fully Themable. We only got three pre-installed themes, but the store has a lot more themes for download.

Overall, the latest iteration of TouchWiz successfully fixed feature-rich, while also reasonable light on resources. As a result, it runs without interruption on Exynos 7870 chipset with octa-core CPU. Speaking where, follow us to the benchmark review.

synthetic benchmarks

As mentioned in the identification, Galaxy J7 (2016) comes in two variants - one powered by the Exynos 7870 chipset and the other has a Snapdragon 617 mathematics. They both sports eight-core Cortex-A53 running at 1.6GHz, but while Exynos have them all running at 1.6GHz, Snapdragon has a frequency group at the 4-way and one another ticking at 1GHz. Whether Adreno 405 GPU for Snapdragon variant or MP2 Mali-T830 for Exynos one. RAM for both is 2GB.

We are in our storage Exynos 7870 version built on 14nm FinFET manufacturing process. This translates into substantial power savings compared with alternatives built on the 28nm process.

Let's start with the outside GeekBench, which is great to give us a reliable reading raw CPU performance. In the multi-core components, Galaxy J7 (2016) beat the competition by a large margin. However, when it comes to the performance of single-core, 1.6GHz Cortex-A53 core is understood a lower position.
GeekBench 3 (multi-core)

6 is AnTuTu benchmark Galaxy compound and J7 (2016) is in position in the middle by a disillusioned low CPU and GPU underpowered. For comparison, Snapdragon 652 and also older Snapdragon 617 scored better here.

Turning to benchmark GPU, Mali-T830 MP2 are not many large power either. He managed 9.5 fps at 3.0 GFX Manhattan screen tests helped by a resolution of 720p and only 4.9 fps at 1080p secret.

In another test Basemark GPU intensive X, Galaxy J7 (2016) is out designed by One F1 Plus, the updated packages Mali-T860MP2 and just managed to beat the records Lenovo Vibe K4, which has the older generation Mali GPU.

Although the chipset humid, Galaxy J7 (2016) is a seamless experience when it comes to opening and multitasking applications. If you do not play graphically intensive games, the phone packs more than enough horsepower to offer adequate performance in daily tasks.

Telephone and speaker

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) is available as single-SIM phone, but there is a dual-SIM version too. In the second, SIM card manager lets you choose the SIM that choice for voice, text and data.

Do Not Disturb mode can be put on the table automatically. When specified, only priority notifications can through your hands to decide what counts as a "priority" - it could be anything from calls from select contacts to the alert from the main application.

In tests of our speakers, Galaxy J7 (2016) print a Simple. You will have no problems hearing the phone ring in a variety of situations.

text input

The Galaxy J7 (2016) using the latest version of the Samsung keyboard. It's quite comfortable, with a dedicated number row, row above that for word suggestions and additional characters on each key (accessible through the old-paper).

If it looks too high, you can scale the keyboard downward (or upward, if you want bigger keys). We did not like that the key to this room is a bit short, though.

customizable keyboard size - Samsung Galaxy J7 2016 reviews

Additional typing input tools include brooms, My Hot Keys (a phrase that has been set that can be typed by long-pressing a number key) and voice dictation.
other applications

Samsung continues to file an application package that includes Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Skype. Note that only the actual Skype installed, the rest is just a shortcut for the Galaxy Apps (this does not take away their space so you really need and install them).

Google Drive is pre-installed, however, the real document editor is not mandatory (in fact he is a free download, though).

Samsung-customized web browser has a tub, the ability to save web pages and enhanced privacy controls. It gets the job done, but if you want to coordinate across devices, Chrome or Firefox is a better bet.

S Health is on board even without advanced sensor (heart rate, blood oxygen) functions are more limited. He could still keep track of the direction / directions / biking and you can consume water and coffee to manually input and so on.

Applications My Files is the default file browser. He has a Google Drive integration. You can ZIP folders to make them easier to share as a single file.

Finally, there is the Galaxy Apps, Samsung's own app store. Galaxy Essentials is a good place to find a good tool (such as Child Mode), but for general applications shopping, you'll probably be better off with Google Play.


The TouchWiz orders by the time the picture gallery, but you can switch to display Album by folder. Partnership options including wireless printing, Android Beam and Wi-Fi Direct, but no DLNA (or another way to send pictures to your TV).

Some of the image editing tools available - from the base plant, to create a collage, to a more capable editor (which supports image correction, effects and painting).

Additional options let you select multiple images and stitch them into an animated GIF.
The music player with features advanced EQ, FM radio

The Galaxy J5 (2016) had only Google Play Music app. It gets the job done by allowing you to sync your music across devices and provide some control over the sound through Equalizer.

The player itself has a simple UI with various functions available as a shortcut on the screen now plays.

The Galaxy J7 (2016) also has a built-in FM radio (something that many applications do not prime Galaxy). It can record radio broadcasts (although this may be disabled in some areas). No RDS though so the application will not show the name of the station.

video player

The video player is the only application that works in a pop-up window, a feature since the Galaxy S III.

You also get a full-text support with advanced features to change their appearance.

This app lets you play audio only (if you just want to listen to music video) and play audio via Bluetooth (if you have allowed BT speaker handy).
Audio output good

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) impressed us in the first part of our audio tests. Phones that shows the number of both high and brilliantly clean output to show great performances.

Replacing our standard headphones for a modest amount of damage. Volume declined from a very high average, and stereo crosstalk increases notably. There are some deviations intermodulation, too, though that is not too bad. Overall a good, if not amazing show by mid-ranger.

Here goes a decision so you can do your comparison.


Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) touts a 13MP camera sensor the same as before. However, he is a new module with a fast f / 1.9 aperture, compared to f / 2.2 last year. In 4: 3 aspect ratio, the camera will capture still images at 4128x3096 pixels.

The J7 (2016) offers a Pro mode, but it is nothing like that happened in the top range models. He only gave white balance, ISO, and exposure compensation. Basically, the setting most phones have, but in an arrangement easier.

The phone also sports the option to quickly launch the camera by pressing the Home button twice.

More choice of modes including night mode, Voice & punches, Sports and HDR.

For the sample itself is solid for a mid-range smartphone. The pictures are rich with detail, a modest amount of noise, even the shadows are not particularly well developed. The colors are fairly accurate, innocent little on the cold from time to time.

Samples HDR is very good, with the J7 (2016) managed to retain additional information in both highlight and shadow without going overboard and make the image too flat.

And like the Galaxy J5 (2016), its bigger brother puts a special accent on the front-facing camera. He is a 5MP snapper with f / 1.9 lens and LED flash for those selfies special party.

Color is very good and detail is quite good as well. Dynamic range is somewhat limited though as you can see from the examples below.

1080p video well

The Galaxy J7 (2016) noted 1080p @ 30fps. Our video samples have been recorded at 17Mbps bit rate and 256Kbps, 48kHz audio.

In terms of quality, the colors are a good shot, while the details are many. Otherwise great, too, but the focus of sustainable hunting was a bit annoying.

the final word

So, Samsung has a new dish on the menu but good old recipes. In fairness, the Galaxy J7 (2016) is not one of the best chefs, so that anyone can understand why he is not listed on the special and why he was not particularly creative with the ingredients.

However, he definitely has some premium delivery. The Galaxy J7 (2106) finally joined the club and benefit from the design language introduced by the prime applications last season. The result is a building of great quality and look that most people will enjoy.

However, unlike the J5 redesign is not spending budget upgrade. There was just enough left over to meet RAM and add Exynos chipset which is built using the 14nm manufacturing process and feature excellent power efficiency.

That, and a front-facing camera with LED flash features will be valuable if selfies is an important part of the smartphone experience. There you go, we have pretty much the typical user profile sketches. Now, let us have a closer look and then on the phone.

Midrange market is cruel and Samsung have a small part contributed to that with a large portfolio of trying to satisfy every taste and budget. Telephone successful in the lower midrange linked with good stuff and does not cost much. The Galaxy J7 (2016) tried to give the best it could be for the price. He was confronted with the fierce competition though capable and able to increase the level and lower prices.

Recently announced the Moto G4 Plus is an excellent competitor with a 1080p screen 5.5 "IPS LCD is covered with Gorilla Glass 3. Under the hood, there are not so efficacious Snapdragon 617 with different RAM in all models and markets. The 16MP f / 2.0 camera with two LED flash is promising features for the price, which is the same as the Galaxy J7 (2016). Do not forget a fingerprint sensor, too.

Lenovo Vibe K4 Note is one more option that you should check out. Same 5.5 "screen, but the resolution FullHD, coupled with the fingerprint sensor on the back. Although K4 Note has solid battery, certainly not comparable to the Galaxy J7 (2016).

Vivo has the V3Max supported by the new Snapdragon 652. It has 32GB of internal storage and 4GB of RAM as well. Camera experience is also better than Galaxay J7 (2016), but the phone is difficult to find outside India.

Redmi Xiaomi Note 3 is available for less, and in both versions it has more oomph than the Galaxy J7 (2016). Metal building, FullHD resolution screen and fingerprint recognition all their support.

Finally, Meizu m3 comment keen to demonstrate excellent metal buildings and a large battery, in addition to offering an affordable package with a few extras, including a fingerprint scanner. He has more of everything: RAM, battery life, performance, and is a very good choice for the price. Third last alternative rather difficult to find in many markets so it is not really an option for everyone.

Plus, Samsung has a brand recognition, tradition and influence to suppress competition. A Samsung cell phone may be the safer option when it comes to after-sales and warranty as well. Plus, the carrier offers up most of the revenue from the phone like the Galaxy J7.

Politics Similarly, the Galaxy J7 (2016) is a smart phone that is good looking and sasa. He covers the basics and threw in a few extras such as front-facing camera with LED flash and a removable battery is good sized. Five and a half inch screen diagonal nod to users who value size resolution, and AMOLED seal the deal.

large screen, selfies, looks good and solid battery life, the Galaxy 2016 J7 is good to go. If you want more than a phone, Samsung has the Galaxy A-series. If you want more for your money, make sure you do your homework.

Baca: harga hp samsung

Full Spefication of Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 in 2016

Series redmi always bread and butter Xiaomi. Combining good design, features, and reasonable performance at a very attractive price, redmi series has been redefined for a lot of what a good budget smartphone should be like.

The latest in this series is redmi Note 3. This phone is the successor redmi Note 2 last year and increase to some aspects such as the metal body, a fingerprint sensor, a brand new chipset, and a bigger battery. This is especially increased since redmi origin Note Prime, which will be a big problem for people in India who never got redmi Note 2.

Today, the company will launch redmi Note 3 in India. And even though we already have a smartphone to be revised, it is based on MediaTek chipset. The new release comes with a Snapdragon 650 and because we have the opportunity to play with him for the last days, we will be happy to share our responses.

Redmi Note 3 at a glance

  • Aluminum body
  • 5.5-inch, 1920x1080 IPS LCD
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 650; 2x 1.8GHz Cortex-A72 + 4x 1.2GHz Cortex-A53; Adreno 510
  • 2GB RAM with 16GB storage/3GB RAM with 32GB storage; microSD support
  • Dual SIM, LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.1, IR, microUSB
  • 16 megapixel rear camera with PDAF, f2.0 aperture, dual LED flash
  • 5 megapixel front camera, f2.0 aperture
  • Fingerprint sensor
  • 4050mAh battery
  • Android 5.1.1 with MIUI 7

Compared to Redmi Note 3 (Helio X10)

  • microSD (occupies SIM 2 slot)
  • Higher resolution camera (16MP vs. 13MP)
  • Better Snapdragon 650 chipset with faster processor and more powerful graphics


The redmi Note 3 is the first mobile phone with metal body redmi. Most bodies are made of aluminum, with plastic on the top and bottom and the glass on the front. This gives the phone a real taste of the premium, which is rather remarkable because this is still the redmi.

The following redmi Note 3 Xiaomi minimalist design language. The front is dominated by a screen with somewhat narrow bezels that does not occupy too much space your visual.

Above the display is the earpiece, ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, front facing camera, and a notification LED that can only be seen when illuminated. Below the display is a backlit navigation controls. Considering how many phones these days dropping backlighting today, it is good to see Xiaomi did not subject him stupid charge.

This front is framed by an excess of a thin chrome finish is painted in the same shade as the rest of the phone. From there, the sides curve inward, giving a sense of mobile phones are becoming thinner than that.

On the right is the power button and volume buttons with chamfered edges polished, everything is fine and works well, too.

On the other side is a tray that holds whether the two SIM cards (mini + nano) or the SIM card and the microSD card. tray sits perfectly flush with the body and for a color that corresponds to the entire phone, something that some companies really struggled with. At the top is the headphone jack, microphone middle, and an infrared sensor. At the bottom is a microUSB port and the main microphone.

On the back, we see 16-megapixel camera lens with LED flash so that on a dual two-tone below. Below that is a fingerprint sensor. The cutout for the camera and the fingerprint sensor is exactly the same size and have a shiny, excess oblique. Below is a speaker with a small lip that raises the bottom so that the speaker is not blocked completely. Although he was better from behind a really average, the speaker does not lose some of the benefits when the phone was kept behind. Not to mention the fact that the back is probably the worst place to put speakers.

Physically, the phone is great, considering it has a screen of 5.5 inches. Having said that, he is not very big, and they form good at making it feel smaller than it. Build quality, fit and finish is top-notch, however, and it is very easy to forget this is not a luxury smartphone. We appreciate the way the metal and plastic parts are worth, and all-around fine detailing. You can tell some effort goes into the design of mobile phones, despite the low price point.

The redmi Note 3 has a 1920 x 1080 resolution 5.5-inch LCD. The display has several modes you can set it to. There's Standards mode, then Improved contrast, which improves the color and adjust the contrast of the screen based on the content displayed, and auto contrast, which adjusts the dynamic range of the display based on ambient light, making parts darker the picture brighter under bright light to make them more visible without increasing backlight. You can also adjust the color temperature to set it up to standard, heat, or cold.

When set to white balance and contrast Standard mode, the screen in Note 3 redmi not good. The colors are a bit muted and white balance a little cold but other than that he is a good screen to look at, with good sharpness, brightness, contrast, viewing angle, and the sight of sunlight. The screen can also get really dim, to the point where you have to save a little above minimum brightness even in a dark room. Overall, redmi Note 3 has a view that is quite good, and easily one of the best you can get in this price range.


The redmi Note 3 is the first phone to launch with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 SoC. It also packs in 2GB or 3GB of RAM, depending on whether you go for the 16GB or 32GB models. We received a model of 3GB / 32GB.

There is a microSD slot, as mentioned earlier, you should need more storage, but then you would release one SIM slot.

This phone has LTE support on both SIM slot (band 3, 5, 40, 41 + Volte), together with Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 4.1, and also the IR blaster to control home appliances. No NFC, however, and the phone still uses a microUSB connector (not that we protested).

The redmi Note 3 Xiaomi phone is also the first with a fingerprint sensor. The company claims it can unlock your phone in 0.3 seconds, which checks out but only if the screen again turned on. If you wake up the phone, and it takes twice the time, which is still pretty good but not as blazing fast as some other phones on the market (which is on the Lenovo Vibe P1, for example, is crazy fast).

In software, running on MIUI phone 7 on top of Android 5.1.1 Lollipop. This software will be commonplace to anyone who has used a previous MIUI. For those who do not have, he is a little tangle between Android and iOS design. The result is an attractive UI, which, for the most part, is user friendly, has more than enough features, and function properly.

Among the features are good including theme support, manager of the truth, the ability to paralyze autostart for select applications, built in the black list for calls and messages, the application of smart messages that automatically groups of SMS notification together and highlight the OTP code, the ability to use the fingerprint sensor finger to key applications, child mode, hidden folders, one-handed mode, the ability to move and uninstall in the group, and much more.

Things are not so interesting about MIUI including less than ideal system of notification, border square ugly about the application icon instead of square, use the menu key is obsolete in some applications default, can not quickly adjust the media or the number of alarms without digging into the settings and search options to the Settings app. UI also shows a direct disregard Google Material Design, and prefer to do things its own way.

To be honest, no criticism is very bad and mostly pale in the face of all the things he got right. We just want Xiaomi faster to update the base version of Android, because that is one area where the company has traditionally lagged in doom.

Note: we have run a research unit building MIUI 2.6.18 Beta 7. All of the views that were created after the collection is based on this and several things that can be changed by building stable at the retail unit.

As the first 650 Snapdragon devices in the market, we wonder about the performance in Note 3 redmi will be like. Fortunately, he was simply superb.

Snapdragon 650 chip offers hexa-core processor with Cortex-A72 at 2x and 4x 1.8GHz Cortex-A53 at 1.4GHz. The MediaTek Helio X10 has 8x Cortex-A53 at 2.0GHz. Indeed, the performance of multi-core six-core CPU, although two of them (Cortex-A72) is somewhat capable, behind the raw power eight-core processor.

Fortunately, the single core performance was doubled, which is really important for the OS smoothly and easy task switching. In fact, core Cortex-A72 is twice as capable as the Cortex-A53 main solution.

In terms of common usage, the phone performed admirably. Opening and closing applications quickly, smoothly scrolling, animation is fluid, and everything just seems to work as it should. CPU at 650 seems to be good so that the task of daily use and the OS seems to be optimized for it.

We decided to try a variety of our usual game on the line. Again, Adreno 510 GPU is very well done with a resolution of 1080p phone, and all of the games we tried to run properly.

The Adreno 510 turned out, in fact, two times better than the PowerVR G6200 models that MediaTek. Here are the benchmark results to prove it.

Fortunately, while the Adreno 510 maybe sooner, you do not need to worry - no one of redmi Note 3 models can not control well in real life.

AnTuTu test compound and BaseMark OS II 2.0 also puts redmi Note 3 powered by Snapdragon 650 before you MediaTek, but also ahead of all competitors.

Also known as Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro
Network Technology GSM / HSPA / LTE
2G bands GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - SIM 1 & SIM 2
3G bands HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700(AWS) / 1900 / 2100

4G bands LTE band 1(2100), 2(1900), 3(1800), 4(1700/2100), 5(850), 7(2600), 8(900), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500)
Launch Announced 2016, January
Status Available. Released 2016, February
Body Dimensions 150 x 76 x 8.7 mm (5.91 x 2.99 x 0.34 in)
Weight 164 g (5.78 oz)
SIM Dual SIM (Micro-SIM/Nano-SIM, dual stand-by)
Display Type IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 5.5 inches (~72.4% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution 1080 x 1920 pixels (~403 ppi pixel density)
Multitouch Yes

- MIUI 7.0
Platform OS Android OS, v5.1.1 (Lollipop)
Chipset Qualcomm MSM8956 Snapdragon 650
CPU Hexa-core (4x1.4 GHz Cortex-A53 & 2x1.8 GHz Cortex-A72)
GPU Adreno 510
Memory Card slot microSD, up to 256 GB (uses SIM 2 slot)
Internal 16 GB, 2 GB RAM
32 GB, 3 GB RAM
Camera Primary 16 MP, f/2.0, phase detection autofocus, dual-LED (dual tone) flash, check quality
Features Geo-tagging, touch focus, face/smile detection, HDR, panorama
Video 1080p@30fps, check quality
Secondary 5 MP, f/2.0, 1080p
Sound Alert types Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
Loudspeaker Yes
3.5mm jack Yes

- 24-bit/192kHz audio
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
Comms WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, WiFi Direct, hotspot
Bluetooth v4.1, A2DP, LE
Infrared port Yes
Radio Stereo FM radio, recording
USB microUSB v2.0, USB On-The-Go
Features Sensors Fingerprint, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass
Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
Browser HTML5
Java No

- Fast battery charging
- XviD/MP4/H.265 player
- MP3/WAV/eAAC+/Flac player
- Photo/video editor
- Document viewer
Non-removable Li-Po 4000 mAh battery
Misc Colors Silver, Gray, Gold
SAR US 1.26 W/kg (head)    
SAR EU 0.56 W/kg (head)    
Price group 5/10 (About 220 EUR)
Tests Camera Photo / Video
Overall, we found the performance Snapdragon 650 to be much higher than the ubiquitous Snapdragon 600 chipset series and is actually rather close to the Snapdragon 808.

For thermal performance, both Qualcomm and Xiaomi have run a good job to keep the temperature in the revision. Often used at all there is no significant difference in the temperature of the phone. Although when gambling, the rear gets a bit hot, but it was never intrusive. It is possible to get warm so the phone if you crank the screen brightness all the way so that when playing 3D games weight, but it is a rather unlikely scenario, and in the use of public telephone and game experience that never gets quite warm.

Transition teeth, call quality and network performance is also quite good, with a cell phone to an LTE network even in places where other phones that would normally be surrendered. The transition from 3G to 4G is also fast after the call ends, which is important in markets like India that no longer has Volte. One thing to note, however, is that the ears are a bit cramped, and if it is not right position in front of the ear sound falls drastically.

Multimedia performance was also honored. This phone supports a variety of formats out of the box, including AC3 audio codec for video. The phone has an internal video player but must be achieved either through the hall or the file manager.

The headphone output is strong and clear but the loudspeaker is not and position to the back also makes it sound worse.


The redmi Note 3 has a 16 megapixel camera on the back with the phase detection autofocus, aperture F2.0, two-tone dual LED flash and 1080p video. Inside is a 5 megapixel sensor with F2.0 aperture.

Rear camera image quality is rather underwhelming. Image has a fair bit of noise in them, which is coupled with over-sharpening making them unpleasant to see when zoomed right in.

the dynamic range of the camera often too humid and the final blow. Built-in HDR mode only help improve the shadows but did nothing for the main event, so you just end up with a brighter image overall. There was also a significant purple periphery around high contrast areas. The colors are good, however, and the overall detail, while not particularly need to be addressed, fine. Focusing is fast but rather often tend to miss the mark, which is usually hard to tell on the screen when you shoot but something you see later when discovered on the cover image up.

Video is not great either. This phone seems to video upscaling lower resolution, which can be seen clearly when recording still subjects, as you can see the jagged edges of low resolution files are played at a higher resolution. Colors also look flat in video and dynamic range is more severe than in the photos.

Thus, the overall quality of the camera on redmi Note 3 is not great and probably the weakest aspect of the phone.
battery life

The redmi Note 3 has 4,050mAh battery. The battery is not removable, but we did not think that would be a major issue with this phone. The redmi Note 3 consistently returned excellent battery figures in our tests, with time on the screen 6-7 hours every day. This phone has a mode battery saver sorts that is enabled by default, which is cutting back its location and access network applications background, but we did not see any adverse effects, such as the application does not update in the background, and others when using the phone, so we decided to leave.

Please note that our test is with a single SIM card, as the research unit we have a problem that prevents using two SIM cards with him.

The redmi Note 3 has the first generation that supports Quick Cost so 5V 2A charger. This phone takes one hour to reach 50% battery than 1% and about two and a half hours to reach 100% of the 1%. We want Xiaomi has included Quick Cost 2.0 or any other form of charging as fast as the cost price for a rather slow.

Snapdragon variant redmi Note 3 is being launched at a price point at $ 148 USD (INR 9999) for the 16GB model and $ 178 (INR 11.999) for the 32GB model, in India.

At that price, the phone represents exceptional value for money. Although you leave the price aside for a second, redmi Note 3 has a great combination of design and build quality, a good display, great performance, fingerprint sensors, and batteries are brilliant. Add to that the incredible price, and it makes it easier to overlook some flaws, such as less than brilliant camera, obsolete version of Android, and the lack of proper fast charging, which are deal breakers to start. At this price, it is easily the best phone in its price range.

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harga hp xiaomi

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Harga LG G2 Mini dan Spesifikasi Terbaru 2016

Harga LG G2 Mini | Inilah smartphone versi mini yang bisa menjadi pilihan alternatif karena mahalnya smartphone premium yang sudah banyak beredar. Smartphone versi mini adalah hasil adaptasi dari smartphone LG G2 karena pihak LG merasa bahwa pengguna LG mengharapkan smartphone LG G2 akan tetapi tidak memiliki cukup uang untuk membeli smartphone premium LG G2. Oleh karena itu, pihak LG akhirnya meluncurkan seri smartphone LG G2 Mini yang juga sama-sama mempunyai spesifikasi kalangan atas seperti teknologi jaringan LTE dan tidak ketinggalan juga sistem operasi kitkat yang terbaru dimana sudah siap untuk memanjakan anda.
Kemudian persoalan spesifikasi juga tentunya pihak LG tidak ingin mengambil resiko karena mengecewakan para konsumennya. Meskipun tidak segahar smartphone LG G2, akan tetapi di versi mini ini, anda tidak akan kecewa karena memiliki layar yang berukuran sebesar 4.7 inci yang sudah dipasangi dengan teknologi IPS Display yang merupakan teknologi asli buatan pihak LG. Kemudian ponsel ini akan tampil sangat begitu menawan meskipun masih memakai resolusi Quad HD sebesar 540 x 960 pixel dan dengan memiliki kepadatan warna sebesar ~234 ppi.
Pihak LG juga memasangi smartphone LG G2 mini dengan tampilan antar muka khusus yang diberikan nama LG Optimus UI. Untuk persoalan performa tentunya anda tidak usah ragu lagi karena LG memiliki kemampuan dalam merancang performar smartphone buatannya. Dengan dipasangi ram yang berukuran sebesar 1GB akan dapat mengatur berbagai macam aplikasi yang anda akan instal, selain daripada itu juga tersedia memori internal yang berukuran sebesar 8GB yang akan dapat ditingkatkan kapasitas penyimpanannya menggunakan microSD yang berkapasitas sebesar 64 GB.
Anda akan puas dalam menginstal berbagai macam aplikasi karena untuk kapasitas memori internalnya yang sangat begitu besar dimana cukup untuk bisa menampung berbagai macam aplikasi yang tersaji di Playstore atau toko aplikasi yang lainnya. Berbagai macam kelebihan tentu telah terpasang di smartphone LG G2 Mini yang juga memiliki harga lebih murah ketimbang versi besarnya. Hal ini termasuk menjadi salah satu keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh smartphone LG G2 Versi mini. Adapun kelebihan yang lainnya, mari kita membahas secara bersama-sama mengenai kekurangan dan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh smartphone LG G2 Mini dibawah ini
Konektivitas Data Lengkap LTE, NFC
Smartphone modern yang ada sekarang ini memang telah diwajibkan untuk mendukung teknologi jaringan LTE, karena pada perkembangan teknologi internet di Indonesia sekarang ini memang tengah memasuki proses peningkatan kecepatan internet dari jaringan 3G menjadi 4G (LTE) yang tentu tidak ada salahnya kalau mulai dari sekarang kita sudah mempunyai smartphone yang memiliki spesifikasi LTE. Pada jaringan HSDPA smartphone ini telah mempunyai kecepatan sebesar 21 mbps dan kecepatan upload sebesar 5.76 mbps dan kecepatan jaringan internet sebesar 4G itu sendiri telah memakai teknologi jaringan LTE Cat 4, yang memiliki kecepantan 50 mbps UL, dan 150 mbps DL.
Sistem Operasi Android Kitkat 4.4
Operasi sistem android kitkat telah dipasang pada ponsel ini, dengan operasi terbaru tersebut memang mempunyai banyak kelebihan ketimbang operasi sistem jelly bean yang ada sebelumnya. Selain itu pada smartphone ini lebih hemat baterai dan memiliki tampilan antar muka yang sudah mengalami suatu peningkatan dari versi yang sebelumnya dan tentu saja bisa lebih stabil. Hal tersebut ditambah oleh adanya ram yang berukuran sebesar 1GB dimana sudah semakin memperlancar kinerja pada smartphone LG G2 Mini.
Dapur Pacu Bertenaga Quad Core
Cpu Quad Core telah disematkan pada smartphone andaan LG, dengan memiliki kecepatan CPU yang sebesar 1.2 Ghz, maka saya rasa itu sudah lebih daripada cukup dalam mencukupi segala kebutuhan anda selama sehari-hari seperti menikmati konten multimedia atau bermain game. Untuk anda yang memang hobi dalam bermain game, olehnya itu telah disediakan GPU Adreno 305 yang memiliki kualitas dalam menghasilkan gambar yang tajam dan warna lebih jernih. Kemudian untuk dapat menunjang segala kegiatan kita seharian maka sudah terpasang baterai Li-Ion sebesar 2440 mAh baterai yang akan sanggup bertahan selama seharian penuh.
Dual Kamera Berkualitas
Pada sektor kamera, telah terpasang dua kamera belakang dan depan yang akan cukup memberikan kepuasan karena memiliki kamera bagian belakang sebesar 8 megapixel dimana sudah terpasang juga berbagai macam fitur seperti led flash, face detection, geo tagging, panorama, autofocus, HDR dan kemampuan dalam merekam video dengan memiliki kualitas gambar beresolusi 1080p. Sedangkan untuk anda para pecinta selfie, maka sudah terpasang kamera yang lensanya berkekuatan sebesar 1.3 megapixel yang sudah terbilang cukup memuaskan dan baik.
Dari berbagai macam kelebihan yang telah disajikan, sebenarnya pada smartphone ini mempunyai 1 kekurangan yakni layarnya masih belum mengandalkan layar HD, padahal untuk smartphone LG G2 itu biasa sudah memakai layar Full HD sebesar 1080 x 1980, sedangkan pada versi mininya, LG hanya menyematkan layar yang beresolusi Quad HD.
Harga LG G2 Mini.
Untuk permasalahan harga smartphone LG G2 Mini itu sendiri masih belum tersedia informasi resmi dari pihak LG, akan tetapi kemungkinan smartphone ini akan dijual dengan harga sekitar 4 jutaan rupiah di pasar Indonesia, karena mengingat untuk spesifikasi yang telah tersematkan itu sudah cukup baik. Kemudian untuk harga smartphone LG G2 Mini yang kami prediksi ini mungkin bisa saja berubah-ubah, jadi sebaiknya kita menunggu saja kabar yang pasti dari pihak LG tentang Harga smartphone andalan LG.
Nah untuk informasi lengkap mengenai harga LG G2 Mini anda dapat menyimaknya dirangkuman yang ada dibawah ini.

Spesifikasi dan Harga LG G2

  • Harga LG G2 Mini Baru : Rp. 3.250.000
  • Harga LG G2 Mini Bekas : –
  • Harga LG G2 Mini Terbaru  :Harga Hp LG
  • Dimensi : 129.6 x 66 x 9.8 mm, Berat 121 g
  • Layar  : 540 x 960 pixels, 4.7 inches (~234 ppi pixel density), IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
  • Memory : Memory Internal 8 GB, Slot microSD, up to 64 GB
  • Ram : 1 GB RAM
  • Jaringan Data : HSDPA, 21 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps; LTE, Cat4, 50 Mbps UL, 150 Mbps DL
  • Konektivitas : Wifi Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth  v4.0, USB, NFC
  • O.S. : Android OS, v4.4.2 (KitKat)
  • CPU : Qualcomm MSM8926 Snapdragon 400, Quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7
  • GPU : Adreno 305
  • Sensor : Accelerometer, proximity
  • Kamera belakang : 8 MP, 3264 x 2448 pixels
  • Kamera depan : 1.3 MP, 720p
  • GPS :  with A-GPS support and GLONASS
  • Baterai : Tipe Li-Ion 2440 mAh battery
Spesifikasi telah ditawarkan ini memang jauh beda dengan spesifikasi smartphone LG G2 yang telah memakai CPU Quad Core Snapdragon 800 dan ram yang berukurans sebesar 2GB dimana sudah dikombinasikan dengan layar yang beresolusi HD, seperti informasi yang telah kami paparkan sebelumnya.
Baca juga: Spesifikasi dan harga LG G2 Terbaru.
Untuk anda yang sudah tidak sabar dalam membeli smartphone ini , dan ingin mengetahui berapa harga smartphone LG G2 Mini yang diluncurkan secara resmi di Indonesia maka silahkan anda memilih berbagai macam smartphone android yang telah kami bahas secara lengkap di artikel sebelumnya. Sekian informasi untuk kali ini, semoga bermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin membeli LG G2 Mini dan terimakasih telah mengunjung situs
Baca juga: harga hp lg